I give myself 4 slices, and so do my tasters. They said it was, "Awesome! Great flavor and consistency!" One person called me the next morning for the recipe because it was on her mind and taste buds. My most discerning taster said, "Balanced. Firm yet moist. Sweet, not obnoxiously so like a KK donut can sometimes be.Two thumbs up and a Mmmmmm Mmmmm!"
This isn't quite the holy grail of BP, but it could be the holy grail of calories, so my version is "light," meaning it has less eggs, less added sugar, and no cream unlike most recipes I've seen.
Jenifer's Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding
8 (or more - that's all that survived) Krispy Kreme (or other glazed) donuts, very dry (I let mine dry out for about 2 days past the expiration date). You can bake them for 20 minutes at 200 degrees to dry them out, also.
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
pinch cocoa powder (baking not hot chocolate)
big pinch cinnamon
enough milk to cover the donuts (I used 1 percent)
Tear donuts into smallish pieces. Whisk together all ingredients but milk. Pour over the donuts. If donuts aren't covered, add enough milk to almost cover them. Let sit for at least 30 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.