The problem with establishing a rating system is that one day you are introduced to an entry that is either more fabulous than you could have imagined or the opposite. This was definitely the former. I want to give special credit/bonus points/a gold star to Urban Grill, a new restaurant with an inspired dessert chef named Megan. I went last night and decided after the first bite to compromise my own system by anointing the cornbread-peach bread pudding with five forks (more would be excessive though deserved)! It was pure bliss, that square of exquisitely sweetened cornbread mixture topped with an in-season peach (I can't give the exact title because the menu isn't online). The subtle grit of the cornbread took me and my food spirit to a whole new place and my companions gave me a moment of silence to savor and bring my attention back to the table. A food memory was born that will call me for a repeat more often than I can respond. I realize that's a mixed metaphor, but know that I am absolutely ga-ga over this treasure and cannot find the words to do it justice. My fear is that it will be a seasonal dish and, like the chocolate version at Wild Hare, may not be seen again. Just keep changing the fruit! Or ignore the fruit!
The buttermilk-based sauce was totally unnecessary, good enough, but like one accessory too many on a perfect outfit. I'm sorry the photo doesn't do it justice but that restaurant is really dark inside and out. I don't think they're hiding anything, it's about ambiance.
PS - See Laura, I was telling the truth about the Bread Pudding Blog. And I want to share the crumbs if there's ever a portion of this ambrosia left! You have my card.
Price: 8.00
Raisins: No
Sauce: Buttermilk
Ice cream: No
Visited: May 2012
Urban Grub
2506 12th Avenue, South, Nashville, TN
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