Saturday, January 5, 2013

Random bread puddings and recipes, including salted caramel

This is random photos of BPs that I forgot to notate. I'm going to give myself credit for the one of the right, a kale savory BP, which might be this recipe, with butternut squash and mushrooms.  I have no clue why I would have made it.  The one of the bottom right is one I had in St. Louis, based on the date, but I can't remember from where.  Basically, this is a pointless post. Some may be repeats, and yes, I know the top photo is terrible, but I feel moved to post any that I take.  I should feel moved to take photography classes!  Happy New Year.

What I don't have a photo of is the fantastic BP I made for my birthday, a salted caramel bread pudding that was low fat and all that.  I used Kroger's sweet Italian bread.  After making the sauce with rum, instead of bourbon, I decided to make that my "liquored up" version that I had on the side.  It was too strong for me.  I made an alcohol free version for pouring on the BP.  The guests raved - 4 forks for me!


  1. I do not think there are any "random" bread puddings in your life! They all seem very intentional and lovely and crave-able. I love the sound of the salted caramel one you made. BP Lovers Unite!

  2. Thank you, loyal follower. I am so sad I missed the gathering of Nashville foodies this year. I look forward to seeing you sometime.
